Our objective was to determine how different spatial frequencies affect the perceptual size rescaling of stimuli in the corridor illusion. Two experiments were performed using the method of constant stimuli. In experiment 1, the task required participants to compare the size of comparison and standard rings displayed over the same background image. ANOVA on the points of subject equality (PSEs) revealed that the perceived size of the top and bottom standard rings changed as a function of the availability of the high, medium, and low spatial frequency information. In experiment 2, the task required participants to compare the size of a comparison ring presented outside of the background image with a standard ring presented inside it. ANOVA on the PSEs revealed that the apparent size of the top and not the bottom standard ring changed depending on the availability of medium spatial frequency information. Eye-tracking revealed that the spatial frequency range of the background image in the periphery affected participants’ eye positioning, which may explain why the effects of different spatial frequencies fluctuated across experiments. Nonetheless, when we consider these findings together, we propose that the conceptual understanding of depth plays a more important role in explaining the corridor illusion than the low-level processing of depth information extracted from different spatial frequencies along separate channels.
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