If f is a C -valued function with domain S m , the symmetric group on {1,2,…, m}, then the matrix function [ f](·), or d f (·), is defined by [ f]( A)=∑ σ f( σ)∏ t=1 m a t, σ( t) for all m× m complex matrices A=[ a ij ]. We consider the cone K m cℓ whose elements are the Hermitian class functions f: S m→ C such that [ f]( A)⩾0 for each A∈ H m , where H m denotes the set of all m× m positive semi-definite Hermitian matrices. The extreme rays of K cℓ m are fundamental to an understanding of the linear inequalities that result by restricting the various [ f](·) to the sets H m . In particular, the resolution of the permanent dominance conjecture for immanants and certain related conjectures such as the conjectures of Lieb and Soules will likely involve identification and analysis of these rays. Barrett, Hall, and Loewy gave a complete list of the extreme rays of K cℓ m when m⩽4, and have shown that K 5 cℓ is not polyhedral. Given positive integers n and p such that n⩽ p and n+ p= m, we let K cℓ n, p denote the subcone of K m cℓ consisting of all f∈ K cℓ m such that f is expressible as a linear combination of the irreducible characters of S m associated with partitions of the form (2 i ,1 m−2 i ) where 0⩽ i⩽ n. We show that K cℓ n, p is an extreme polyhedral subcone, or face, of K cℓ m , and give explicit formulas for each of its n+1 extreme rays. Thus, K m cℓ has non-trivial polyhedral faces for all m.
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