
Given a <artwork name="GLMA31007ei1">-valued function f with domain <artwork name="GLMA31007ei2">, the symmetric group on {1,2,…, m}, we define the generalized matrix function [ f ](⋅), or df (⋅), in the usual way on the set of all m× m complex matrices. Letting <artwork name="GLMA31007ei3"> denote the set of all m× m positive semi-definite Hermitian matrices we consider the cone K m whose elements are the Hermitian functions <artwork name="GLMA31007ei4"> such that [ f ]( A)≥0 for all <artwork name="GLMA31007ei5">. The extreme rays in K m are fundamental to an understanding of the linear inequalities that result by restricting the generalized matrix functions [ f ](⋅) to the sets <artwork name="GLMA31007ei6">. In particular, the resolution of Lieb's permanent dominance conjecture, and certain similar conjectures such as the conjecture of Soules, will likely require identification and careful analysis of these rays. Grone, Merris, and Watkins have shown that the determinant function det(⋅), which is [ f ](⋅) if f is the signum function, is extreme in K m for each m. We identify additional rays that are extreme for all m. In particular, we associate with each 2-term partition <artwork name="GLMA31007ei7"> of {1,2,…, m} an element <artwork name="GLMA31007ei8"> that is shown to be extreme in K m for each m. If <artwork name="GLMA31007ei9"> is trivial, then <artwork name="GLMA31007ei10"> reduces to the determinant function; hence, our results are a natural extension of the result of Grone, Merris, and Watkins. Moreover <artwork name="GLMA31007ei11">, like det ( A), is expressible as a function of the eigenvalues of certain matrices related to A. Additional classes of extreme rays are also presented.

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