IT HAS been shown by Newton (1927), De Mol (1925, 1928), Hall (1931), Newton and Darlington (1929), and recently by Upcott and La Cour (1936) that most of the species and varieties of Tulipa have a diploid number of 24, although there are triploids, tetraploids, and a pentaploid. Aneuploids have also been reported (Newton, 1927; Upcott and La Cour, 1936). In such a genus the chromosome number alone can be of little aid in helping to determine the probable relationships of species and varieties. Newton (1927), who recognized this, was able to separate certain groups of tulips on the basis of chromosome morphology. This was done by comparing the position of the spindle attachment constrictions and the relative lengths of the chromosomes. Upcott and La Cour (1936) have recently added to the studies of Newton (1927) and in addition have described secondary constrictions and satellites, but only in certain tulips. Similar features of chromosome morphology have been recognized in a number of other plants (Sakamura, 1920; S. Nawaschin, 1927; M. Nawaschin, 1925; Heitz, 1931; Lewitsky, 1931; Taylor, 1925, et a-l). During hybridization studies begun in 1932 it seemed desirable to study the morphology of the tulip chromosomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS. -The species and varieties were obtained from growers in this country and in Europe duiring 1932 and later. All but one, T. ocutis-solis, were allowed to flower in the greenhouse or garden and were compared with the descriptions of the species given by Hall (1928), Dykes (1930), and Bailey (1935). Bulbs were planted out of doors in the fall, and as soon as root growth was well started, they were dug and the root tips fixed in either Allen and Wilson's modification of Bouin's fluid or in Flemming's medium solution. Both fixatives gave good results, but in general, preparations from the former were slightly superior. The usual paraffin embedding technique was followed, sections being cut at thicknesses varying from 15 to 22 microns. Heidenhain's iron-alum haematoxylin stain gave excellent results and was used exclusively. All studies of chromosome morphology were made on chromosomes in the root tip. The details of chromosome morphology have been worked out not only from the chromosomes that were measured, but from a great many other metaphase and anaphase chromosomes as well. While the metaphase stages are particularly favorable to demonstrate secondary constrictions and satellites, length determinations at that stage are likelv to be misleading because it is very difficult to get perfectly flat chromosomes in the section. In determining lengths of chromosomes, anaphase stages were used exclusively. Measurements were made with a camera lucida and a pair of sharply pointed dividers and
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