Hearing disability is commonly observed in old age person. It is observed that for the age limit 55 to 80 years around 40% of individuals are facing age related hearing loss. Light weight hearing aid made of composites are being used very frequently. There are two types of hearing aids canal: In-the-ear (ITE), Behind-the-ear (BTE); out of which BTE is commonly preferred. Around 38% of BTE aids fail in their operation due to the impact generated by mishandling. Drop test measures the impact and fragility of the component. It particularly determines how the component performs under external the impact of the load. In the present study, drop impact numerical analysis has been carried out using ANSYS workbench explicit dynamic module for hearing aid casing. Three different polymer materials namely Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) have been used. The main purpose of the analysis is to determine the maximum deformation and critical area when it falls on the ground. Load conditions like impact velocity and height have been considered as per the IS standard IS: 11052–1984 for the flat and side drop test. It is observed that maximum deformations were observed in TPU as compared to PLA and ABS irrespective of velocity. In addition, contact force was observed maximum in PLA and minimum in ABS irrespective of velocity which leads to minimum internal energy for PLA. TPU and ABS could be the second choice of material after PLA for the hearing aid casing.
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