The occupational safety and health education in Korea is for gene ral employees, business owners, and labor inspectors, but it is not s ystematic and is conducted sporadically. In particular, the criticism t hat the legal basis for occupational safety and health education for teenagers is not clear and the institution in charge and programs ar e not systematic has been raised. Recently, the Korean Employment and Labor Education Institute announced that it will provide the gen eral labor human rights education for middle and high school stude nts and adolescents nationwide under Article 3 of the Korea Employ ment and Labor Education Act, but the need for occupational safety and health education is raised. As the deaths from industrial accide nts continue to occur today, the occupational safety and health edu cation has become a more important task to prevent industrial acci dents and create a healthy and safe working environment. In particu lar, teenagers need to have basic knowledge, skills, and abilities for the safety and health of the workplace and productive efficiency before starting or doing work for the first time. Unlike Korea, the Unit ed States separates the subjects of occupational safety and health ed ucation, regulates the legal basis differently for each subject, and dif ferentiates the institutions in charge, educational content, and educa tional level. Therefore, this paper would like to find out the implications that can be derived from the legal and policy system of occupational saf ety and health education in the United States. First, the public secto r on the occupational safety education is providing the education to employees and others as an exemplary employer role and strengthen ing the education. Second, the United States is establishing the cons istency of the legal system on occupational safety and health educat ion. It can be seen that the consistency of the legal system is establ ished by preparing the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Cod e of Federal Regulations, and the Training Guidelines related to Occ upational safety and health education. Third, the United States provi des the education by separating the laws and targets that are the ba sis for occupational safety and health education. Fourth, the United States has formed and operated a consortium related to occupationa l safety and health education. Based on these implications, this pap er shall establish or designate an institution in charge based on the Framework Act on Youth to secure expertise for each education lev el, describe in detail the necessary education and training and stand ards for each industry, and change the education system so that rel ated subjects can be completed at a workplace or a training center.
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