Background: With increase in awareness about the importance of physical fitness, there has been considerable increase in proportion of population indulging in various new emerging forms of exercises such as Zumba and Spinning. Purpose of study: To assess and compare Physical Fitness Index (PFI) between females practicing two newer forms of aerobic exercises Zumba (group 1) and Spinning (group 2) and to understand whether one aerobic activity has better PFI values over other and whether they can be used interchangeably. It will also create awareness regarding both the newer forms of aerobic exercise forms Zumba and Spinning and its effect. Method: Healthy females practicing either Zumba and spinning for one year regularly were chosen. Step board of height 33 cm, metronome, stopwatch used. Modified Harvard Step test was explained and then subjects were asked to do it. Results were calculated and scoring was done. Results and Main findings: The study showed that in (Group 1) Zumba practitioners 92.86% population had excellent PFI, 7.14% population had fair PFI. In (Group 2) Spinning practitioners, 100% subjects showed excellent PFI, Group 2 had evidently greater mean PFI than group 1 but not statistically significant. There was no statistically significant difference in PFI values between the subjects of two groups spinning and Zumba. Conclusion: Majority of the population of both the groups showed Excellent PFI. Both the newer types of aerobic exercise forms can be used interchangeably depending on the age of population. KEY WORDS: Zumba, Spinning, Modified Harvard’s Step test, Physical Fitness Index, Females.
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