Microgrids (MGs) are the building blocks of future smart distribution grids, bringing several benefits to both utilities and consumers. In recent years a new class of MGs has been introduced, called provisional-microgrid (P-MG), consisting of master-MG and slave-MG. Slave-MG cannot operate isolated from master-MG. However, power quality is of the major challenges in MG investigations. In this study, a novel hierarchical and distributed control scheme is proposed for the improvement of unbalanced and harmonic load current components sharing among the distributed generation (DG) units as well as voltage quality (VQ) enhancement of sensitive load bus (SLB) in provisional-microgrid. Compared to the previous works, the proposed control strategy takes the instantaneous free capacity of DGs and multi-voltage-quality level (MVQL) indices of different buses into account for both load current sharing and voltage quality improvement functions. Furthermore, it considers the nature of variable power generation-renewable energy resources (VPG-RERs) and does not need any information about the loads or lines impedances. The efficiency of the proposed control scheme is evaluated by simulation of a typical islanded P-MG under several cases. Simulations are carried out in MATLAB/Simulink environment, and their results demonstrate the appropriate speed and accuracy of the presented method.
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