A cosmological model is constructed which is a Friedman model, but with a finite ultimate temperature ( T F ). A plausible argument is presented which suggests that the existence of T F and the cosmic microwave background restricts the form of the hadronic level density: ▪, where A, B = constants. In our model, B = 7 2 − 3 s , where s = positive integer. The case s = 3 (B = 5 2 ) is the well-known Hagedorn model; the Frautschi model corresponds to s = 6 ( B = 3); the cases s = 1 (B = 1 2 ) and s = 2 ( B = 2) have not been considered before now. For each value of B < 7 2 , the model gives the temperature ( T γ0 ) of the microwave background as a function of A, T F and ϱ 0 (the present energy density of the universe). Two fascinating results then emerge: first, all estimates of T γ0 favor a low density Friedman universe ( ϱ0 = 10 −31 g/ cm 3), which rules out a universe with positive curvature; second, for ϱ 0 = 10 −31 gr/ cm 3 the best estimate of T γ0 (⊃3K) occurs for the Hagedorn model.
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