We have measured the transverse momentum distribution (pt) of the pions produced in the BNL 80″ liquid hydrogen bubble chamber. The bubble chamber was exposed to a 7.0 GeV/c negative ipon beam. We have measured 1000 two prong and 2000 six prong events. The pt distribution for low multiplicity events represents production process via peripheral interactions whereas most of the high multiplicity events may correspond to collisions with large four momentum transfer to the nucleon. The p1 distribution of the pions has been fitted with an expression in the Hagedorn model forp,. The effective temperature obtained from a least square fit of the pion pt distribution for the two and six prong events is 132 ± 9 and 120 ± 3 MeV respectively. If we are justified in analyzing the pt distribution of the low multiplicity events with the Hagedorn model, we find that there is no significant difference in the temperature of the 'peripheral' and 'central' region of the interaction volume. The temperature increases with an increase in the energy of the interaction.
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