Let Sn denote the symmetric group of permutations acting on n elements. We investigate the double sequence {Nℓ(n)} counting the number of ℓ tuples of elements of the symmetric group Sn, where the components commute, normalized by the order of Sn. Our focus lies on exploring log-concavity with respect to n: Nℓ(n)2-Nℓ(n-1)Nℓ(n+1)≥0.We establish that this depends on n(mod3) for sufficiently large ℓ. These numbers are studied by Bryan and Fulman as the nth orbifold characteristics, generalizing work by Macdonald and Hirzebruch–Hofer concerning the ordinary and string-theoretic Euler characteristics of symmetric products. Notably, N2(n) represents the partition numbers p(n), while N3(n) represents the number of non-equivalent n-sheeted coverings of a torus studied by Liskovets and Medynkh. The numbers also appear in algebra since |Sn|Nℓ(n)=HomZℓ,Sn.
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