Given two automorphisms of a group G G , one is interested in knowing whether they are conjugate in the automorphism group of G G , or in the abstract commensurator of G G , and how these two properties may differ. When G G is the fundamental group of a closed orientable surface, we present a uniform finiteness theorem for the class of pseudo-Anosov automorphisms. We present an explicit example of a commensurably conjugate pair of pseudo-Anosov automorphisms of a genus 3 3 surface, that are not conjugate in the mapping class group, and we also show that infinitely many pairwise non-commuting pseud-Anosov automorphisms have class number equal to one. In the appendix, we briefly survey the Latimer-MacDuffee theorem that addresses the case of automorphisms of Z n \mathbb {Z}^n , with a point of view that is suited to an analogy with surface group automorphisms.
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