Electrochemical polishing (EP) is of great interest because it is able to deal with small parts exhibiting high complex shapes and/or material hard to be polished. Electropolishing is an electrolytic process based on the anodic dissolution of the workpiece under constant current or potential. Previous work done on stainless steel 316L shows the ability of the process to obtain smooth and bright surfaces [1]. The mechanisms describing EP are not yet fully understood, but several mechanisms can be taken into account for its description and prediction. Jacquet’s theory is based on the influence of an electric resistance gradient [2]. Elmore will then complete it with the gradient of concentration in metal cation [3,4]. Diard and al proposed the role of so called “acceptor” species [5]. While Hoar and Mowat’s work are based on the formation of an oxide layer on the surface [6]. All theories have in common the establishment of a viscous layer (solid or liquid) that governs the process. On this basis, it is possible to propose a numerical approach for the simulation of the viscous layer formation during electropolishing of stainless steel 316L and Inconel parts. The objective is to demonstrate the impact of various process parameters (electrochemical parameters, electrolyte nature and concentration as well as hydrodynamic conditions) on the growth and the stability of this layer.The figure illustrate the simulation of the viscous layer growth during the electropolishing of a plate at the bottom taking into account the circulation of the electrolyte from the left to the right.[1] C. Rotty, A. Mandroyan, M-L Doche, J-Y Hihn, Surface & Coatings Technology vol.307 p125–135 (2016).[2] JACQUET, P.A., Electrolytic method for obtaining bright copper surfaces, Nature 135 (1935) 1076.[3] ELMORE, W.C., Electrolytic Polishing, J. Appl. Phys. 10 (1939) 724–727, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1707257.[4] ELMORE, W.C., Electrolytic Polishing II, J. Appl. Phys. 11 (1940) 797–799, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712738.[5] DIARD, J.P., LANDAUD, P., LE CANUT, J.-M., LE GORREC, B., Interprétation cinétique du palier de polissage électrochimique des métaux, 6ème forum sur les impédances électrochimiques, Montrouge, 1992.[6] HOAR, T.P., MOWAT, J.A.S., Mechanism of electropolishing, Nature 165 (1950) 64–65. Figure 1
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