Skin disorders are one among the common manifestations. Normally, 10-15% of the general practitioner’s en- counter patients with skin disorders. Ayurveda covers a number of skin manifestations under Kushta Roga. Dadru is one among Kshudra Kushta. It is identified by symptoms such as Kandu, DeerghaPratana, Utsanna, Mandala, Raaga, Pidaka with predominance of Pitta Kapha Dosha. It can be correlated with Tinea infection. Being a Twak Vikara, Bahirparimarjana Chikitsa like Lepadhi treatments plays an important role in the treatment of Kushta including Dadru Kushta. Present study was conducted on 60 diagnosed patients of Dadru Kushta who were ran- domly allocated with 30 each in two groups. Dadru Vidravana Malahara was given for local application in one group and Gandhaka Malahara, a widely used formulation in clinical practice was given for local application in another group. These local applications were advised for a duration of 7 days for under the treatment concept of Lepa. The ingredients of which are the drugs processing Shodana and Kushtahara property. The data was collect- ed from patients at baseline,4th day and 8th day (on completion). Assessment was based on KASI method of grad- ing, number of lesions, perimeter of each lesion, pidaka (present or absent). The results of the study showed that,a statistically significant difference was not seen between the effect of Dadru Vidravana Malahara and Gandhaka Malahara in Dadru Kushta. Keywords: Dadru, Tinea, Dadru Vidravana Malahara, Gandhaka Malahara
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