Ellipsoidal elevation represents a precise geospatial data type within the analysis and modelling of various hydrological and ecological phenomenon required in preserving the human environment. Likewise, Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) has created an unparalleled data set of global elevations that are freely available for modelling ubiquitous environmental applications. This research aims to carry out a comparative analysis of ellipsoidal heights and SRTM heights with the following objectives: downloading DEM’s (SRTM) data covering the study area, determining the spot heights within the boundary in conventional method, extract DEM’S heights within the boundary of the study area, and compared the heights in the conventional method with DEM’S heights. South GPS and Leica Total Station were used to acquire data for control extension and spot heightening respectively while the elevation of SRTM data was obtained by transforming the X and Y data from GPS observationto Longitude and Latitude before using ArcGIS 10.6 to extract the elevation of the boundary pillar and all the spot heights which were relatively compared in terms of its products- heights, contour, 3-D wireframe, 3-D surface model, and overlaid of contour on shaded relief. The results of the study showed that vertical difference using conventional method and SRTM dataset ranges between -2.345m to 11.026m. Also, the hypothesis tested using a two-tail student t-test and F-test revealed that one mean is not significantly different from the other at 95% confidence level. The research recommends that the products obtained for the two systems can be used interchangeably.
 Keywords: Shuttle radar topographic mission, Ellipsoidal elevation, contour, 3D wireframe, 3D surface model
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