Currently, gate commutated thyristors (GCTs) are commonly used for high-power voltage-source inverters due to their superior electrical performance as compared to gate-turn-off (GTO) thyristors and high-voltage insulated-gate bipolar transistors (HV-IGBTs). However, the gate driver of GCTs is more complex than an IGBT driver and has to be attached closely to the GCT, which implies several constructional disadvantages. The internally commutated thyristor (ICT), a GCT with integrated turn-off unit, enables the use of a simplified and more reliable gate driver, maintaining the electrical advantages of the GCT. In this paper, the ICT concept is discussed in relation to standard GCTs. Additionally, an optimized gate driver for the ICT is presented. Close attention is paid to improve reliability and easy adaption to different ICT current ratings.