In recent years, there has been a growing interest in optimization problems with uncertainty. Intuitionistic fuzzy optimization is one of the approaches for investigating such real-world optimization problems that contain uncertain data and, therefore, that are not well defined. Nonetheless, there is not enough discussion on the optimality conditions for optimal solutions in intuitionistic fuzzy optimization problems (IFOPs) and methods for solving such uncertain extremum problems. Although the derivative notion is a very important property of optimization models, there are many real-world problems and processes with uncertainty that cannot be modeled as differentiable intuitionistic fuzzy functions (IFFs). In this work, therefore, a new notion of generalized derivative is defined. Namely, the definition of symmetric gH-derivative is introduced for nonsmooth IFOPs and some properties of this concept are analyzed. Further, the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions are established for an optimal solution in an intuitionistic fuzzy extremum problem with symmetric gH-differentiable IFFs and inequality constraints. Meanwhile, several examples are given to illuminate the obtained results.
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