Nano-scale digital integrated circuits are getting increasingly vulnerable to soft errors due to aggressive technology scaling. On the other hand, the impacts of process variations on characteristics of the circuits in nano era make statistical approaches as an unavoidable option for soft error rate estimation procedure. In this paper, we present a novel statistical Soft Error Rate estimation framework. The vulnerability of the circuits to soft errors is analyzed using a newly defined concept called Statistical Vulnerability Window (SVW). SVW is an inference of the necessary conditions for a Single Event Transient (SET) to cause observable errors in the given circuit. The SER is calculated using a probabilistic formulation based on the parameters of SVWs. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides considerable speedup (about 5 orders of magnitude) with less than 5 % accuracy loss when compared to Monte-Carlo SPICE simulations. In addition, the proposed framework, keeps its efficiency when considering a full spectrum charge collections (more than 36X speedups compared to the most recently published similar work).
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