Scientific research on French language teaching methods is designed to solve the task of updating the French language teaching methods and technologies, taking into account the social order of our society at a specific stage of its development, the needs of those who study in accordancewith the modern educational context. In scientific studies on the methodology of teaching the French language, the goals, content, means, methods are theoretically substantiated and specified, methods of formation of various types of French-language communicative competence in specific learning conditions are practically developed. Analysis of the results of such studies, their generalization and publication makes it possible to improve the effectiveness of the French language learning in the context of the modern educational paradigm. Aims. Analysis, systematization of the scientific research carried out in Ukraine in 1991-2022 to identify the unsolved problems in the methodology of teaching the French language, improve the scientific level of future methodological research, and determine promising directions of scientific research in the methodology of teaching the French language. Methods. Analytical review of methodological studies and published works was used among other methods of scientific research to achieve our goal, systematization, generalization. Results. During the studied period, 12 candidate’s and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended in Ukraine on the specialty 13.00.02 – theory and teaching methods: Romance languages. The analysis of dissertations was carried out according to the following criteria: the subject of research (focus on the formation of target competencies); study subjects; theoretical achievements; the applied value of the research – a study guide / educational computer program, etc., which are available for use in the educational process by the wider academic community. Conclusions. It was found that the method of forming French-language phonetic competence, competence in reading and writing (spelling competence for students of higher education institutions), the Frenchlanguage competence in receptive types of speech activity, method of organizing extra-class / extraauditory work on the French language are unexplored.
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