The combination of vibrational perturbation theory with the replacement of the harmonic oscillator quantization condition along the reaction coordinate with an imaginary action to be used in the uniform semiclassical approximation for the transmission probability has been shown in recent years to be a practical method for obtaining thermal reaction rates. To date, this theory has been developed systematically only up to second order in perturbation theory. Although it gives the correct leading order term in an ℏ2 expansion, its accuracy at lower temperatures, where tunneling becomes important, is not clear. In this paper, we develop the theory to fourth order in the action. This demands developing the quantum perturbation theory up to sixth order. Remarkably, we find that the fourth order theory gives the correct ℏ4 term in the expansion of the exact thermal rate. The relative magnitude of the fourth order correction as compared to the second order term objectively indicates the accuracy of the second order theory. We also extend the previous modified second order theory to the fourth order case, creating an ℏ2 modified potential for this purpose. The resulting theory is tested on the standard examples—symmetric and asymmetric Eckart potentials and a Gaussian potential. The modified fourth order theory is remarkably accurate for the asymmetric Eckart potential.
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