Single-molecule studies have revealed molecular behaviors usually hidden in the ensemble and time averaging of bulk experiments. Single-molecule measurement that can control physical form of individual DNA molecules is a powerful method to obtain new knowledge about correlation between DNA-tension and enzyme activity. Here we study the effect of physical form of DNA on exonucleaseIII (ExoIII) reaction. ExoIII has a double-stranded DNA specific 3'-->5' exonuclease activity and the digestion is distributive. We observed the ExoIII digestion of individual stretched DNA molecules from the free ends. The sequentially captured photographs demonstrated that the digested DNA molecule linearly shortened with the reaction time. We also carried out the single-molecule observation under random coiled form by pausing the buffer flow. The digestion rates obtained from both single-molecule experiments showed that the digestion rate under the stretched condition was two times higher than the random coiled condition. The correlation between physical form of DNA and digestion rate of ExoIII was clearly demonstrated by single-molecule observations.
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