The subject of the study forms a set of legal norms of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the interstate association of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, international treaties(agreements) regulating public relations in the field of information security, law enforcement practice, foreign experience of legal regulation, as well as provisions theoretical interdisciplinary research in this field. The object of the study is public relations related to the legal provision of information security in the Union State. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in the context of new challenges and threats, as well as digital transformation and geopolitical changes. The analysis indicates a certain experience of scientific research in this field. At the same time, in the context of significant changes in socio-economic and foreign policy conditions, new challenges and threats, multi-vector scientific research in the information and legal sphere is necessary. The methodological basis of this study is a system of modern general scientific and private law methods. The study of the formation, development, place and role of the legal provision of information security of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus was conducted using the following general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and modeling, generalization, description, etc. The main conclusions of this study were the following proposals, it is necessary to develop and approve the conceptual framework for the legal provision of information security for the development of regional interstate cooperation within the framework of the Union State of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. This is important for solving the tasks of ensuring national and international information security, implementing agreements within the framework of regional interstate associations and further forming a system of universal public law mechanisms for ensuring information security. At the same time, the strategic legal acts of the Union State in the field of information security are dynamic in nature due to changes in social and political relations, including at the international level. There is a growing tendency to perceive the information space not only as an area requiring the use of exclusively protective measures of influence, but also involving active offensive measures to the extent necessary to protect national interests.
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