Adventure Sports (AS) is mostly associated with high risk-taking behaviors, unlike Non-adventure sports (NAS). Still, the AS persons can be highly functional while risking their lives for their passion for adventure sports. Therefore, we assumed for this study that the psychological processes involved in participation in Adventure sports might be different. The study intended to identify the difference in dispositional factors, the experience of flow state and motivational factors of Adventure Sports persons as compared to Non-adventure Sportspersons. The sample consisted of trained persons/professionals of Adventure Sports (viz. mountaineering, kayaking, river rafting, etc.) (n = 21) and participants of Non-adventure outdoor sports (viz. cricketers, footballers, etc.) (n = 21). We used the Temperament and Character Inventory, Flow State Scale, and Motivational Factors Scale. The findings revealed that low harm avoidance could be a dispositional factor for choosing adventure sports whereas; to gain status could be a factor to select non-adventure games.
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