Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps with different color temperatures have been widely used for various applications. Compared with LED filaments having formal vertical structures, flip-chip LED filaments have a simple structure, better heat dissipation effects, and can be formed into various shapes. In this regard, to investigate the difference in the reliability of flip-chip LED filaments with different color temperatures, this study designed and conducted three aging tests (a xenon lamp aging test, a high temperature–high humidity test, and a thermal cycling test) to simulate the application of the filaments in three outdoor environments. The luminous efficacy, CIE chromaticity coordinates, color temperature, and other indicators of the filaments were obtained before and after aging. The results showed that the high temperature–high humidity environment had the greatest impact on the filament. Particularly, the filaments with color temperatures of 4000 K and 5000 K experienced significant changes under various indicators, confirming their sensitivity to this environment. Meanwhile, the filament with a color temperature of 2700 K exhibited the best reliability. After three kinds of aging tests, the luminous efficacy of the 2700 K filaments decreased by 1.9%, 15.15%, and 0.3%, respectively, with minimal changes in various indicators, indicating their suitability for a wide range of applications.
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