Dielectric energy-storage capacitors, known for their ultrafast discharge time and high-power density, find widespread applications in high-power pulse devices. However, ceramics featuring a tetragonal tungsten bronze structure (TTBs) have received limited attention due to their lower energy-storage capacity compared to perovskite counterparts. Herein, a TTBs relaxor ferroelectric ceramic based on the Gd0.03 Ba0.47 Sr0.485-1.5 x Smx Nb2 O6 composition, exhibiting an ultrahigh recoverable energy density of 9 J cm-3 and an efficiency of 84% under an electric field of 660kV cm-1 is reported. Notably, the energy storage performance of this ceramic shows remarkable stability against frequency, temperature, and cycling electric field. The introduction of Sm3+ doping is found to create weakly coupled polar nanoregions in the Gd0.03 Ba0.47 Sr0.485 Nb2 O6 ceramic. Structural characterizations reveal that the incommensurability parameter increases with higher Sm3+ content, indicative of a highly disordered A-site structure. Simultaneously, the breakdown strength is also enhanced by raising the conduction activation energy, widening the bandgap, and reducing the electric field-induced strain. This work presents a significant improvement on the energy storage capabilities of TTBs-based capacitors, expanding the material choice for high-power pulse device applications.
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