The article describes the idea of the problem of the study of reproductive attitudes in modern science. In a theoretical review, the reproductive attitude is considered both as a kind of social attitude and as a complex socio-psychological mechanism consisting of cognitive, affective and behavioral elements, while the reproductive attitude is expressed through a set of judgments about parenthood, its evaluative perception with reference to the degree of positivity or negativity of the attitude and a set of parenting-related activities. Since the value and semantic aspect of reproductive behavior is also changing, the value of a child and parenthood competes with such values as the values of professional self-realization, high social status, comfort, self-development, and in many cases is replaced by them. The main reproductive trends of our time are postponing childbearing and focusing on having few or no children. Thus, becoming more widespread, negative reproductive attitudes are of considerable research interest, however, they are not fully studied in a comprehensive manner, mainly in the context of the socio-economic situation. In this regard, the experience of developing a methodology for measuring the reproductive attitude of adults is presented. The psychometric development methodology was the interval scale paradigm. The technique was developed based on the Thurstone scale algorithm. The Thurstone scale is known as the equal-apparent interval method and is one of the scales traditionally used to measure attitudes. The presented method has been verified and currently has the characteristics of retest reliability and criterion validity. The study was implemented on the example of respondents living in the Moscow region.
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