Ultrasonic technology is widely applied in the engineering ceramic polishing processes without the limitation of material properties and ideally integrated into computer numerical control system. Ultrasonic-induced cavitation and mechanical vibration effect could accelerate the motion of solid abrasives. The individual behaviors of microjet/shockwave of ultrasonic cavitation in gases and liquids, and micro-abrasives with simple harmonic vibrations in solids and liquids has been extensively studied. To conduct a systematic and integrated study of abrasives behavior in the polishing contact region involving abrasive, surround-workpiece wall, ultrasonic physical vibration, and ultrasonic cavitation impact, a novel model integrating the free abrasive motion velocity and fixed abrasive indentation depth under multi-scale contact was proposed according to Hertzian contact theory, Greenwood-Williamson model, indentation deformation theory, the basic equations of cavitation bubble dynamics, cavitation impact control equations, and Newton's law of motion equation. The effects of ultrasonic amplitude, ultrasonic frequency, preloading force and particle size on the proposed model were investigated by theoretical analysis and numerical simulations. Ultrasonic physical vibration mainly influences the dynamic gap and further influence the number of different abrasives. Furthermore, the indentation depth of fixed abrasive depends mainly on the abrasive geometry. As the contact gap and abrasive size decrease, the indentation depth gradually decreases. Under the synergistic effect of cavitation-induced shock wave and microjet, the velocity of free abrasive in this paper is generally 0–150 m/s, and the kinetic energy of free abrasive increases roughly linearly with increasing frequency and approximately as a quadratic function with increasing particle size. Increasing the preloading force leads to a reduction in the abrasive kinetic energy. Besides, the kinetic energy induced by the shock wave has a cliff-like increment at an amplitude of 0.7–0.8 μm. It is revealed that the abrasive kinetic energy is suppressed by the cavitation bubble expansion and collapse at smaller ultrasonic pressure amplitude and surround-wall distance. This research provides a theoretical reference for the modeling of potential defects and material removal on the workpiece surface caused by abrasive motion during polishing, and reduces the trial cost for parameter optimization in actual polishing processing.
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