Magnetic controller performance requirements and design solutions for the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) are driven by the need to produce equilibrium and scenario trajectories, maintaining steady plasma vertical stabilization and shape control for a period of thousands of seconds or longer while avoiding contact with the plasma-facing components (PFCs). Axisymmetric magnetic control schemes including vertical stabilization, plasma current control, plasma shape control and poloidal field coil current control for the STEP Prototype Reactor (SPR) concept are being developed using a suite of control analysis tools (known collectively as TokSys) supporting the integrated plasma control design process. The vertical growth rate based on a linear rigid plasma response model in TokSys is used for assessing the controllability of the vertical instability in SPR. TokSys closed-loop simulations with the axisymmetric non-linear, free-boundary evolution code, GSevolve, are performed for the assessment, identification, and verification of algorithm implementation and controller performance for the various axisymmetric control systems. Dynamic control performance and controllability are shown to be consistent with noise-affected scenario requirements under reasonable power supply and sensor performance assumptions.
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