Journal Article Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, The World at the Crossroads, Forecast of 1947 Investment By Canadian Business, Production of Basic and Building Materials in Canada, A German of the Resistance: the last letters of Count Helmuth James von Moltke, Public Libraries in Germany, The Women of Germany, The Balkans: Europe's Powder-Keg, New Life in Poland, Elections in Poland, Towards Union in Palestine: Essays on Zionism and Jewish-Arab Cooperation, The Future of Jewish Nationalism, The Zionist Movement and In 70 Days Get access Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature No. Xxxi. Dealing with the publications of the Years 1942–1945. 1946. (London: Published for the Historical Association, 21 Bedford Square, London, W.C.1., by P. S. King & Staples. 8½″ × 5½″. 48 pp. Price to non-members 1s. 7d. (post free). Members may obtain extra copies at 10d. each (post free) from the office of the Association.)The World at the Crossroads. By the Executive Committee of the World Citizens Association: Anita Blaine, Edwin H. Cassels, Edwin R. Embree, W. W. Waymack and Quincy Wright. 1946. (Chicago, Illinois: World Citizens Association. 7¾″ × 5½″. 160 pp. Index. 25 cents.)Forecast of 1947 Investment By Canadian Business. Presented to Parliament by the Right Honourable C. D. Howe, M.P., Minister of Reconstruction and Supply. Preface by Stewart Bates, Acting Director-General Research Branch, Department of Reconstruction and Supply. 1947. (Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, C.M.G., B.A., L.Ph., King's Printer and Controller of Stationery. 9¾″ × 6½″. 39 pp. Tables. Price unknown.)Production of Basic and Building Materials in Canada. Outlook 1947. Presented to Parliament by the Right Honourable C. D. Howe, M.P., Minister of Reconstruction and Supply. Preface by Stewart Bates, Acting Director-General of Economic Research, Department of Reconstruction and Supply. 1947. (Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, C.M.G., B.A., L.Ph., King's Printer and Controller of Stationery. 9¾″ × 6½″. 22 pp. Tables. Price unknown.)A German of the Resistance: the last letters of Count Helmuth James von Moltke. 1946. (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press. 9½″ × 6″. 26 pp. Illus. 5s. 6d.)Public Libraries in Germany. By Heinz Schurer. German Educational Reconstruction No 5. 1946. (London: German Educational Reconstruction. Trade Agents: James Clarke & Co., 5 Wardrobe Place, E.C.4. 8½″ × 5½″. 23 pp. 1s. 6d.)The Women of Germany. By Deneke Helena and Norris Betty. With a Foreword by R. C. K. Ensor. 1947. (London: Published for the National Council of Social Service for the Women's Group on Public Welfare, 26 Bedford Square, W.C.I. 8½″ × 5½″. 31 pp. 1s.)The Balkans: Europe's Powder-Keg. By Western Maurice. 1946. (Toronto: Published jointly by the Canadian Association for Adult Education and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. 8″ × 5″. 19 pp. Maps. 10 cents.)New Life in Poland. By Brant Irving. Forewords by Taylor Stephen, M.D., M.P., and Thomas George, M.P. 1946. (London: Dennis Dobson. 7¼″ × 5″. 58 pp. Illus. 2s.)Elections in Poland. Foreword by Stewart John F., Vice-Chairman, Scottish League for European Freedom. 1947. (Edinburgh: The Scottish League for European Freedom, 130 George Street. 7¼″ × 4¾″. 68 pp. 1s.)Towards Union in Palestine: Essays on Zionism and Jewish-Arab Cooperation. Edited by Buber M., Magnes J. L., Simon E.. 1947. (Jerusalem: Ihud (Union) Association. 9″ × 6″. 124 pp. Price unknown.)The Future of Jewish Nationalism. By Ben-Jacob Jeremiah. the Jew in a Changing World Series. 1947. (London, E.C.4.: Carmel Publications, Midget Books Ltd., Arthur Street, 7¼″ × 4¾″. 28 pp. 1s.)The Zionist Movement. By Israel Cohen. Edited and revised with Supplementary Chapters on Zionism in the United States by Bernard G. Richards. 1946. (New York: Zionist Organization of America. (First published in 1945 in Great Britain by Frederick Muller. 8¾″ × 5¾″. 400 pp. Biblio. $3.50.)In 70 Days. The Story of the Japanese Campaign in British Malaya. By Glover Edwin Maurice, Managing-Editor, Malaya Tribune Group of Newspapers. 1946. (London: Frederick Muller. 7½″ × 5″. 244 pp. Illus. Index. 8s 6d.) International Affairs, Volume 23, Issue 3, July 1947, Pages 458–459, Published: 01 July 1947
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