Synchrony of discharge to two‐tone stimuli and “synchrony suppression” are analyzed by examining the implications of the definition of vector strength. “Synchrony suppression,” defined as the reduction in the vector strength for one tone when a second is added, occurs by definition when half‐wave rectification occurs in an otherwise linear system. The usual shifts of empirical vector strength curves occur, disproving the necessity for compressive nonlinearity. “Synchrony suppression,” has been defined incompatibly as the shift in dB of a vector strength curve—said to be the magnitude of suppression. The identification of half‐wave rectification with vector strength reduction disproves this conception, which is a logical fallacy as well. Curve shift is here defined as the shift of the crossover point at which a vector strength growth curve intersects the paired decay curve of the fixed‐level tone. Crossover is the point of equality of the output amplitudes, hence vector strengths, in the period histogram. When the vector strength definition is applied to a complex waveform at the output of a compressive nonlinearity that compresses equal inputs equally, the shifts of the crossover points necessarily equal those in the linear case. But differences in unequal inputs will be accentuated in the relative output levels in the histogram, leading to greater differences of the vector strengths, at those relative input levels, than in the linear case. More visible effects of compression result from waveform distortion, which reduces vector strength saturation, and crossover, values and causes them to recede at higher levels. If the auditory periphery includes nonlinearities that compress equal inputs unequally, the basic curve shifts caused by half‐wave rectification will change by the amount of differential compression. Since data suggest such nonlinearities may exist, it could be useful in new studies to use the crossover point of the growth and decay curves, as an index of equal output, to seek their confirmation and to infer something about them. [Work supported by NSERC.]
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