Abstract Recently reported thermodynamic data for the F end member of muscovite permitted calibration of a geo- thermometer based on the F-OH exchange between muscovite and topaz. The geothermometer provides es- timates for the temperature of greisen-forming systems that are essentially independent of pressure. At pres- sures between 500 and 4,000 bars, the temperature can be calculated using the equation T(oC) : (-0.0131P-1323)x-185, where x is equal to 1/[2 log (XoH.Toz/XF.Toz) 'l' 2 log (XF.Ms/XOH.Ms)] , using an ideal mix- ing model between topaz and muscovite end members. This geothermometer was tested with samples from four different localities where there had been previous estimates of the temperature. Calculated temperatures compared well with the previous estimates provided that the total content of doubly charged cations (Fe 2', Mg •*, and Mn •*) in the muscovite was less than 0.4 cations per formula unit (based on 22 oxygens). Introduction TEMPE•TURES at which tin greisens form have been poorly documented because of a lack of reliable geothermometers. The most widely used geothermometer is based on oxygen isotope fractionation between cassiterite and quartz. How- ever, this geothermometer cannot be confidently applied be- cause of a large discrepancy between empirical (Bor- shchevskii et al., 1983; Alderton, 1989), theoretical (Zheng, 1991), and experimental calibrations (Zhang et al., 1994). Fluid inclusions can also provide information on the temper- ature of greisen formation, but this requires that the compo- sition of the fluid and the pressure of entrapment be known. The purpose of this paper is to report on the validity of a new geothermometer that can yield convenient estimates of temperature for greisen systems. The F-OH exchange be- tween biotite and apatite has been successfully used as a ge-
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