Intr0ducti0n. Because plants are an important factor in the existence of the biosphere and life on Earth, plant resources are an invaluable asset that requires comprehensive study, conservation and rational use in the context of global climate change. Matcrials and mcth0ds. The subject of research was the collection of spice, essential, medicinal, energy, oilseeds, sugar plants. The object of the study was the process of introduction, selection, conservation and enrichment of genetic resources of energy and aromatic plants. Methods of introduction, acclimatization, adaptation, selection, biotech- nology are used. Physiological, biochemical, allelopathic, and ecological methods were also used. Rcsults and discus- si0n. For many years of introduction and selection work in the department of cultural flora of NBG collected valuable gene pool of useful plants (about 2000 taxa) part of which, namely “Collection Fund of Energy and Aromatic Plants of the National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ” (over 1500 samples) is included in the List of scientific objects that make up the National Heritage.The structure and features of the scientific object (systematic, morphological-biological, botanical-geographical, ecological) are comprehensively studied and the social and economic significance of the respective groups of useful plants is assessed. About 100 varieties have been created by various selection and genetic methods, which are recommended for growing in all agro-climatic zones of Ukraine. For the first time, about 50 new highly productive economically valuable crops from the collection fund have been introduced into the State Reg- ister of Plant Varieties of Ukraine. Based on the use of the collection fund, about 50 promising phytotechnologies for the production of biofuels, food products and phytomedicines have been developed. For the first time in Ukraine more than 40 Methods of examination of varieties of new energy and aromatic crops for difference, homogeneity and stability have been developed. C0nclusi0ns. As a result of many years of introductory and selection-genetic work in the department of cultural flora of the NBG, the “Collection Fund of Energy and Aromatic Plants” was created — as a scientific object that is a National Heritage. Important scientific and practical results on the preservation, enrichment and use of the collection have been obtained.
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