Renewable energy sources play a crucial role in reducing global reliance on fossil fuels. Advancements in technology has en- abled harnessing of renewable energy from solar, wind, and ocean tides to be viable. Solar energy, in particular, has gained significant global recognition as a renewable energy alternative. This study integrates Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to assess Solar Photovoltaic Farms (SPVFs) suitability in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study considered seven criteria including; slope, solar radiation, aspect, land use land cover, proximity to roads, power transmission lines, and settlements. These were evaluated using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to generate weights for each decision criterion. The weights were used to overlay independent criteria maps that were formed as a result of the re- classification of each criterion from which a composite rated map was developed. Similarly, a composite restriction map was created by leveraging on constraint criteria including; protected ecosystems, water bodies, settlement areas, slope over 20%, proximity to roads, proximity to the transmission line, and land use land cover. Results obtained from overlaying the composite rated and restricted maps reveal Nakuru County’s general suitability for SPVFs, except for Kuresoi North and Kuresoi South divisions which exhibit low solar radiation. Extremely-suitable areas ac- counted for 3.00% (224.14 km²), very-suitable areas 34.05% (2541.45 km2), moderately-suitable areas 7.76% (579.55 km2), marginally-suitable areas 1.47% (109.77 km2) while least-suitable areas covered 0.02% (1.39 km2). The study provides valuable data and information for government agencies and investors to identify potential Photovoltaic (PV) system sites. Furthermore, the government is encouraged to establish a favorable framework for solar PV exploration and provide incentives to the private sector to facilitate the establishment of SPVFs.
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