Useful information on the solutions to the Maxwell system of first order linear differential equations may be obtained with the aid of two distinct, but not independent, sets of adjoint equations, the formally adjoint system which reduces to the complex conjugate equations in loss free media, and the Lorentz adjoint system which reduces to the time reversed equations in loss free media. The formally adjoint system is used to define a generalized energy flux vector, to decompose wavefields into constituent modes and to define their amplitudes. The Lorentz adjoint system is used to construct time reversed, “complementary” media, and time reversed wavefields and sources that are Lorentz reciprocal to the given wavefields and sources. In some problems, such as the determination of reciprocal scattering matrices or reciprocal modal Green’s functions, it is necessary to employ both adjoint systems. 1. Maxwell, formally adjoint and complex conjugate systems The Maxwell system of equations in the frequency domain may be written compactly as L · e ≡ [ jωK(r, ω) + D ] · e(r, ω) = −j(r, ω), (1) L is the Maxwell operator; eT = [E,H] and jT = [Je,Jm] are the 6-element electromagnetic field and current vectors; K(r, ω) is the constitutive tensor and D the differential operator: [ D B ] = [ e ξ η μ ] · [ E H ] ≡ K · e, D = [ 0 −∇× I ∇× I 0 ] = D. (2) The formal structure (1) of the Maxwell system applies also to compressible magnetoplasmas, which support acoustic field variables v and p, the respective macroscopic plasma velocity and pressure. The wavefield then has (at least) 10 scalar components, eT ≡ [E,H,v, p], and K and D are 10 × 10 matrices [1–3]. Chiral and other spatially dispersive media have a slightly different structure, 1383-5416/98/$8.00 1998 – IOS Press. All rights reserved 136 C. Altman and K. Suchy / The Maxwell and adjoint systems for complex media containing differential operators (such as curl terms) in the constitutive tensor. Thus for chiral media the proposed constitutive relations [4,5] are D = e[E + β∇×E ], B = μ[H + β∇×H ], but in the Fourier (ω, k) domain (for plane wave solutions for instance) the system has the same formal structure as the others, with the chiral system described by a biisotropic constitutive tensor K(ω, k) [6, Section 1.2c]. The system of equations formally adjoint to the Maxwell system is obtained transposing all matrix operators and reversing the signs of all differential operators [7,8], L · e ≡ [ jωKT −DT ] · e = −j (3) yielding a set of formally adjoint fields eT = [E,H ]. This system is nonphysical: KT could in principle represent a physical constitutive tensor but the symmetric differential operator DT = D has the opposite sign to that in the Maxwell system. The given and formally adjoint systems yield a mathematical relationship called the Lagrange identity [7], e · L · e− e · L · e = ∇ ·w. (4) w is called the bilinear concomitant [8]. Substitution of (1), (2) and (3) in (4) yields w = E ×H +E ×H. (5) The complex conjugate of (1) in a source free region, j = 0, yields −L∗ · e∗ = [ jωK∗ −D ] · e∗ = 0. (6) If the medium is dissipationless K is hermitian, K∗ = KT, and the complex conjugate system (6) is identical to the formally adjoint system (3). Then e∗ = e, and w (5) reduces to the Poynting vector. Note that since we are working in the frequency domain all wave fields, including the complex conjugate wave fields, have the same exp(jωt) Fourier transform time dependence. 2. Modal biorthogonality and modal amplitudes in a waveguide For propagation in a longitudinally homogeneous waveguide the gradient operator ∇ is split into longitudinal (parallel to the waveguide axis, z) and transverse parts, ∇ = ẑ ∂ ∂z +∇t, ∇t = x ∂ ∂x + ŷ ∂ ∂y . (7) If there are no currents in the guide (j = j = 0) then, with (1) and (3) in (4), the generalized energy flux density w (5), has zero divergence, ∇ · w = 0 even in dissipative media. Integrating over the transverse (x, y) plane we obtain, with Gauss, − ∂ ∂z ∫
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