Enormous synaptic devices are required to build a parallel, precise, and efficient neural computing system. To further improve the energy efficiency of neuromorphic computing, a single high-density synaptic (HDS) device with multiple nonvolatile synaptic states is suggested to reduce the number of synaptic devices in the neural network, although such a powerful synaptic device is rarely demonstrated. Here, a photoisomerism material, namely, diarylethene, whose energy level varies with the wavelength of illumination is first introduced to construct a powerful HDS device. The multiple synaptic states of the HDS device are intrinsically converted under UV-vis regulation and remain nonvolatile after the removal of illumination. More importantly, the conversion is reconfigurable and reversible under different light conditions, and the synaptic characteristics are comprehensively mimicked in each state. Finally, compared with a two-layer multilayer perceptron (MLP) architecture based on static synaptic devices, the HDS device-based architecture reduces the device number by 16 times to achieve a minimalist neural computing structure. The invention of the HDS device opens up a revolutionary paradigm for the establishment of a brain-like network.