In this paper, we want to better understand the causality reflection that arises under a subset of Abelian local gauge transformations in geometrodynamics. We proved in previous papers that in Einstein–Maxwell spacetimes, there exist two local orthogonal planes of gauge symmetry at every spacetime point for non-null electromagnetic fields. Every vector in these planes is an eigenvector of the Einstein–Maxwell stress–energy tensor. The vectors that span these local orthogonal planes are dependent on electromagnetic gauge. The local group of Abelian electromagnetic gauge transformations has been proved isomorphic to the local groups of tetrad transformations in these planes. We called LB1 the local group of tetrad transformations made up of SO(1, 1) plus two different kinds of discrete transformations. One of the discrete transformations is the full inversion two by two which is a Lorentz transformation. The other discrete transformation is given by a matrix with zeroes on the diagonal and ones off-diagonal two by two, a reflection. The group LB1 is realized on this plane, we call this plane one, and is spanned by the time-like and one space-like vectors. The other local orthogonal plane is plane two and the local group of tetrad transformations, we call this LB2, which is just SO(2). The local group of Abelian electromagnetic gauge transformations is isomorphic to both LB1 and LB2, independently. It has already been proved that a subset of local electromagnetic gauge transformations that leave the electromagnetic tensor invariant induces a change in sign in the norm of the tetrad vectors that span the local plane one. The reason is that one of the discrete transformations on the local plane one that belongs to the group LB1 is not a Lorentz transformation, it is a flip or reflection. It is precisely on this kind of discrete transformation that we have an interest since it has the effect of changing the signature and the causality. This effect has never been noticed before.
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