
The dark glueball (DGB) from a hidden Yang-Mills sector is a simple non-WIMP dark matter candidate characterized by very few parameters. However, it suffers from the overdensity problem. To overcome it, in general the dark sector is required to be hierarchically cooler than the visible sector. To naturally generate the desired hierarchy, in this paper we introduce higher dimensional operators coupling the dark gauge field strength tensor to the standard model (SM) Higgs doublets or gauge field strength tensors. By tracking the different phases of the universe from the end of inflation, prethermalization, reheating to the radiation dominance era, we show that these operators can make the DGB be a viable dark matter candidate over a wide mass region, from the sub-GeV to multi-PeV or even beyond. At the same time, these operators open decay channels of DGB to the SM species, and partial of the parameter space could leave hints in the cosmic ray.

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