We demonstrate efficient pulse compression of a 13.4MHz, 534fs, 123W, Yb:YAG thin-disk oscillator down to 27fs at 98W average power, resulting in a record-high 166MW peak power from an amplifier-free oscillator-driven setup. Our compressor is based on two stages: one multipass cell allowing us to reduce the pulse duration to sub-90fs and, subsequently, a multiple-plate compressor, allowing us to reach 27fs. The overall average power compression efficiency is 80%, and the beam has excellent beam quality and homogeneity. In addition, we demonstrate further spectral broadening that supports a transform limit of 5fs in a second multiple-plate stage, demonstrating the potential for reaching a 100W class, amplifier-free, few-cycle source in the near future. The performance of this unique source is very promising for applications previously restricted to amplified sources, such as efficient generation of extreme ultraviolet light at high repetition rate, and the generation of high-power broadband THz radiation.
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