This study explores the application of children’s picture books in community education, focusing on their role in enhancing cognitive abilities, promoting emotional development, and strengthening family education. Through a combination of theoretical analysis and multiple case studies, the research examines the multifaceted educational value of picture books. Findings reveal that picture books, with their vivid illustrations and engaging narratives, transcend traditional educational functions by fostering parent-child interaction, improving social cohesion, and addressing diverse educational needs within communities. The study also highlights innovative practices, including thematic diversity and digital transformations, which increase the practicality and appeal of picture book education. Suggestions for future development emphasize the importance of broadening thematic content, embracing digital technologies, fostering multi-stakeholder collaborations, and enhancing equity through targeted programs for disadvantaged groups. By integrating theoretical insights and practical applications, this research underscores the potential of children’s picture books as dynamic tools for community education, contributing to cultural enrichment and social progress.
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