The created situation, the factors, what contributing at it, is characterized. The necessity of return and revision of elaborative stage of constitution of the economic informatics systems (E.Ic.S.) it's substantiated. Also, the idea of opposite order of the concept of invention, elaboration, production and application of the informatics resources, as well as, and the concept of them estimation and selection are formulated.Keywords: Estimate, Selection, Informatics Resources, Conceptual Criteria(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)IntroductionIn conditions of the approach completely informational society, except the problems of the invention, production and using the informatics means and technological methods in any sphere of the human activities, of decisive importance disposing the rational selection, what directly affecting the working of the E.Ic.S.That is why, off the scientificaly positions and economical raison, alwais itself soliciting the works, which precede herself the projection and implementation of these systems, as the establishing of the composition and elaboration of the criteria of selection of informatics resources.ContentA. The fundamental thesis [1, 283 -286]It is well known what today and in predictable perspective the rational organization and efficient working of unitary economic informational process are conditioned of through application of the advanced informatics means and methods in the named sphere. Also, its awared what the systemic (in interconnection and interaction) approach and achievement of these two components (means and methods) are finded your accomplishment in the shape of economic informatics systems (E.Ic.S.).In one's turn, for to evolve, apart these two, the latters soliciting the implication into and other resources. Among them of vital functional importance are those informational, mathematical, programmatical, economical, ergonomical and social-juridical. From the scientific point of view, without connecting of all these components into a single chain, both on the elaborative, as well as the functional stage not may be achivied the E.Ic.S. Another modality of interpretation and perception of such systems not ensuring them hypothetical performance and, therefore, of the informational system of leaded object, and finally - of the managerial system.Depending of the level of leadership, such systems, especially those of higher order, disposing of the very much diverse composition and the excessive volumes of information and the works. These parameters, one the one hand, and the objective constraint of the systemic approach, on the other hand, all more to contributing to be awared the need to effect a one complexe of preparatory works of projection content, or, rather, to return to them, very much as, at the same time with the massive implementation of electronic personal computers (E.P.C.), from more objective and subjective motives, practical entirely have been almost forgotten.As a motivation of justification of created situation, as a rule, himself advanced such arguments, how are the directly physical acces of the user at the informatics technical means, in first hand, at the computer, them relatively cheap cost, simplified of the procedures of programming, because that them becoming more friendly, the progressive reduction of informatics technologies at the manual (according to content, composition and succession of them realization, but not and according to the modality them execution), a.s.o.The necessity to return and review the elaborative stage of the E. Ic. S. is based not only on the scientific awareness of them establishment and functioning, but on the household raison. In composition of this stage of the decisive paramount importance it's the selection of informatics components, which, in fact, precede herself the projection of this category systems.If as such the projection, unconsciously and undocumented, more on the very relatively level, conceptually unfounded, sometimes is intuitively achieved only about the technical component (P. …
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