This clinical practice review describes the biological, biomechanical and behavioral rationale behind a return to sport bridge program used predominantly with non-elite, youth and adolescent high school and college athletes following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Post-physiotherapy, this program has produced outcomes that meet or exceed previous reports. With consideration for athletic identity and the Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands (SAID) principle, the early program focus was on restoring non-impaired bilateral lower extremity joint mobility and bi-articular musculotendinous extensibility. Building on this foundation, movement training education, fundamental bilateral lower extremity strength and power, and motor learning was emphasized with use of external focus cues and ecological dynamics-social cognition considerations. Plyometric and agility tasks were integrated to enhance fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment, anaerobic metabolic energy system function, and fatigue resistance. The ultimate goal was to achieve the lower extremity neuromuscular control and activation responsiveness needed for bilateral dynamic knee joint stability. The rationale and conceptual basis of selected movement tasks and general philosophy of care concepts are described and discussed in detail. Based on the previously reported efficacy of this movement-based therapeutic exercise program we recommend that supplemental programs such as this become standard practice following release from post-surgical physiotherapy and before return to sports decision-making.
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