Strain engineering is an effective method to tune the physical properties of materials. In this work, we found that applying 5% biaxial compression to monolayer boron sulfur can simultaneously induce a band order reversal of valence bands and valley engineering of conduction bands. This change significantly enhances the room temperature intrinsic mobility, boosting it from 2 to 260 cm2 V−1 s−1 for holes and 63 to 543 cm2 V−1 s−1 for electrons. The high hole mobility surpasses that of bulk GaN and silicon. We further demonstrate that the valence band order reversal not only lifts the px/y state above the pz states, giving to a more dispersive highest valence band, and thus smaller electron scattering channels and hole effective mass, but also shifts the stronger σz bonding to weaker π-bonding characteristics, resulting in smaller electron–phonon coupling strength. Those combined effects results in a substantial increase in hole mobility.