Kalinongko Hamlet is a hamlet located in Pagerharjo, Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Kemesu Hamlet has a geographical location in the Pagerharjo area. Pagerharjo Village has boundaries with Magelang Regency in the north, Ngargosari Village in the south, Banjarsari Village in the east, and Purworejo Regency in the west. Kulon Progo Regency including Pagerharjo Village, especially Kemesu Hamlet, is one of the districts that has the potential for disasters such as floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, droughts, and volcanic eruptions. Based on data obtained from BNPB, the Pagerharjo area has a high potential for landslides and drought. On the other hand, also based on data obtained from BNPB, the capacity to deal with landslides was in the medium and low categories in dealing with drought hazards. Therefore, efforts need to be made to increase the capacity of the community in Pagerharjo Village, especially in Kalinongko Hamlet, in dealing with potential landslides and drought disasters. This PKM KKN PPM activity seeks to increase community capacity in dealing with disasters through socialization and Discussion Group Forums (FGD). Resource persons for this activity are planned from disaster actors either from the campus or from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPPD). With this disaster socialization and FGD activity, it is hoped that it can increase the community's capacity to deal with potential disasters. The output of this PKM is published in the mass media, seminar forums, and activity videos.
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