The purpose of the study is to develop a recipe for a functional sea buckthorn sauce for white fish from the river Yenisei (char, whitefish, peled), additionally enriched with succinic acid. The objects of the study are fresh frozen sea buckthorn berries of the Zhemchuzhnitsa variety, collected in the Emelyanovo District of the Krasnoyarsk Region. The chemical composition of fruits, sea buckthorn juice, and the developed functional sauce was studied using traditional methods. The study of the antiradical activity of fruit juice was carried out by UV-visible spectroscopy using a model DPPH radical. The thermal stability of succinic acid was studied by IR spectroscopy. Organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of the developed sauce were carried out in accordance with the recommendations of GOST 18077-2013 “Canned food. Fruit sauces. Technical conditions". The fruits of the sea buckthorn variety Zhemchuzhnitsa are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids (provitamin A), fatty oil, reducing sugars, organic acids, dietary fiber, and flavonoids. Good antiradical activity of the juice was registered: when it was added to a DPPH solution for 30 minutes, the amount of absorption by the radical decreased by 26 % of the initial value. The vibrational spectra of succinic acid indicated that in solution the succinic acid used to impart functional properties to the sauce is destroyed only during prolonged boiling (more than 30 minutes). A recipe for the product Functional Sea Buckthorn Sauce with Succinic Acid is proposed, made from sea buckthorn berry puree and with the introduction of succinic acid. The chemical composition of the developed sauce was studied; its organoleptic and tasting assessment was carried out; physicochemical parameters were measured. The regulated indicators of the developed product correspond to GOST 18077-2013. The product's vitamin C content satisfies the body's needs by 95 % of the recommended daily intake, carotenoids by 120, succinic acid by 50 %. The calorie content of the product is 80 kcal/100 g. The developed product can be classified as a functional food in accordance with the requirements of TR CU 022/2011 “Food products regarding their labeling.”
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