For the elucidation of Staub-Elfect (S-E) on the course of blood sugar following the double administrations of glucose, it would be most essential to have informations with regard to the following items : 1. The amounts of uptaken and deposited carbohydrate in the liver and in the other tissues (the muscle and skin) after the glucose injections. The comparison of the total amount of carbohydrate deposited with the first and second portions of glucose injections should there be made.2. The amounts of excreted sugar into the urine during the tolerance tests. The estimations of the carbohydrate figures of the liver and the tissues (by the method of Yamamoto), or the urine sugar after the glucose injections were carried out with the normal (S-E positive), phosphor- (S-E markedly negative), or alloxan-poisoned (S -E indefinite) rabbits. From the determination of the total amount of carbohydrate in the liver and tissues before and after one hour (or two hours) of glucose injection, we are able to know the amount of deposited carbohydrate in the liver and tissues. The results are as follows :(1) The total amount of deposited carbohydrate in the normal liver was markedly increased after the injection of sugar, and in the second portion this was significantly higher than in the first.In the phosphor- and alloxan-rabbits, however, there were marked decrease of the total carbohydrate deposit, especially following the second portion.(2) The uptake and the deposition of sugar in the muscle and skin following the injection of glucose were very small, compared with the liver.The total amounts of deposited carbohydrate in the muscle and skin in the case of normal or alloxan-rabbits after the second portion of sugar injection were found to be moderately increased, while the phosphor-rabbit showed a better deposition in the first injection than in the second.(3) From these findings, it is evident than in the case of normal animal the S-E was positive, while in the case of phosphor-rabbit strongly negative.(4) From the uptake and the deposition of injected sugar in the liver, we may expect in the alloxan rabbit a marked negative S-E after the glucose injection,like that we have seen in the phosphor-animal, but in the fact the positive or slightly negative S-E figure in the case of alloxan rabbit was found.As the reason for this descrepancy we may assume that the highly excretion of urine sugar after the glucose injection in the alloxan rabbit, especially in the second portion of sugar injection, may inhibit the blood sugar curve in the second portion of glucose injection (in the alloxan rabbit the double amounts of sugar was excreted into the urine, compared with the case of phosphor rabbit). Moreover, in the case of alloxan rabbit, the increased deposition by second portion of injected glucose in the muscle and skin may affect to lower the blood sugar curve.(5) Based upon these results as described above, we may suggest on the nature of S-E effect on the blood sugar curve following the glucose injection in two divided portions, firstly that the increased amounts of total carbohydrate deposit of liver by the second portion of sugar injection is most essential, secondly that the high excretion of urine sugar, especially after the second portion of sugar injection, and the increased amount of carbohydrate deposition in the muscle and skin after the second portion of glucose injection would act inhibitory on the rise of blood sugar curve after the second portion of sugar injection.
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