In a multifactorial stationary experiment on the development of scientific foundations for extended repro-duction of soil fertility, studies were conducted on changes in soil density, structural coefficient and water consumption by sugar beet plants depending on the method of tillage and various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. Research materials have proved the positive role of semi-ripened cattle manure both when used independently and in conjunction with mineral fertilizers in the decompression of the arable soil horizon. In this case, the soil density did not exceed 1.15 g/cm3. When organic fertilizers are intro-duced into the technology of sugar beet cultivation, the soil structure also improves. The value of the structure coefficient. The best option from the point of view of moisture conservation is the joint applica-tion of organic and mineral fertilizers. In this case, even with a significantly increased productivity of sug-ar beet, the total water consumption remained at the level of the control non-maneuverable variant. The organo-mineral system of sugar beet fertilization showed the most rational use of moisture for the for-mation of the crop, showing the values of the water consumption coefficient of 67-79 m3/t. In this case, the recorded values are at the level of a purely mineral fertilizer system with a decrease in the analyzed value by 7-14 m3/t, depending on the factors studied.