The state and level of development of livestock industries depend on internal (availability of basic production funds, material and labor resources, the level of technological and technical support, etc.) and external factors (the state of the country's economy, fluctuations in market conditions, the solvency of the population, natural resources, economic and political stability, etc.). The effectiveness of livestock industries and the level of their development are determined by a favorable combination of internal and external factors, with their rational use. The research aims to study and analyze the state and level of development of animal husbandry industries in the Russian Federation and abroad, with further identification of areas for improving efficiency and developing recommendations for their further development.
 As of 2019, compared to the pre-reform period (1990), the number of livestock of agricultural animals in the Russian Federation has sharply decreased: cattle (cattle) - by 3 times, including cows-by 2.6 times, pigs-by 1.5 times, sheep and goats-by 2.6 times. This led to a decrease in the density of livestock per 100 hectares of agricultural land, which reduces the efficiency of land use, including hayfields and pastures. On the territories of the Russian Federation, there are quite a lot of natural forage lands, which, with reasonable specialization and territorial placement of livestock industries, can increase the efficiency of their use. The lack of a unified policy to improve the sustainability of agroecological systems and their effective use in the country does not allow us to reach the pre-reform level of livestock production. For the period from 2010 to 2019, beef production decreased by 6.7%, and milk production by 0.5 %. For meat and meat products, the actual production volumes are above the established threshold of food security, and for milk and dairy products, this level has not yet been reached. So, by 2019, taking into account reserves, the share of domestic production was 83.1 % (with a threshold value of 90 %), and the share of imports was 16.9 %. All this dictates the need to study internal and external factors affecting the development of livestock industries, identify internal reserves and, on this basis, increase production volumes, and ensure competitiveness in the foreign market.
 In the world market of livestock production, the leading positions are occupied by such industrialized countries as the United States, Canada, Northern Europe, Australia, New Zealand. The analysis of the state of development of animal husbandry in these countries allows us to conclude that the growth of livestock production and livestock productivity was promoted by taking into account and combining internal and external factors - the use of industrial industrial technologies (dairy cattle breeding), taking into account natural factors (meat cattle breeding). The use of cheap sources of natural forage land and climatic conditions that allow for the production of livestock products in some of these countries (Australia, New Zealand, some US states) without the construction of capital livestock buildings makes it possible to obtain cheap, high-quality and competitive products. Taking into account the experience of foreign countries, taking into account the possibilities of agroecological systems, it is necessary to choose the right specialization of livestock industries and on this basis to increase the production volumes and efficiency of livestock products
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