A key challenge in polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) water electrolysis stems from product oxygen bubble accumulation in the titanium (Ti) porous transport layer (PTL), which limits hydrogen production at high current densities. To design the next generation of PTLs with efficient porous structures that enhance bubble removal, obtaining three-dimensional (3D) water and gas distributions in an operating electrolyzer is critical. Previous works have demonstrated that neutron [1,2] and X-ray [3] imaging techniques can be used to quantify gas and water content, but capturing these phenomena with 3D imaging remains a challenge due to low transmission through metallic cell hardware, limitations in spatial and temporal resolutions, and low contrast between reactant water and product gas bubbles.In this work, we used the high flux neutron beam at the NeXT instrument of the Institut Laue-Langevin to perform operando radiography during electrolysis and to acquire tomography scans of the steady-state water and gas distributions. We designed a custom PEM electrolysis cell with a Ti PTL and serpentine flow field design for neutron radiography and tomography to reveal the water distribution and its evolution in the PTL. To correlate electrochemical losses to reactant distributions, polarization curves and EIS measurements were acquired. Operando radiography was employed to reveal changes in water distributions over time with increasing current density. Additionally, to elucidate the steady-state water and gas distributions at a variety of current densities, neutron tomography was utilized. Within our analysis, we reveal the impact of water and bubble distributions through the PTL on activation, ohmic, and mass transport overpotentials, particularly at the PTL and catalyst layer interface. The insights provided will aid in identifying performance degradation mechanisms and desirable reactant distributions for the next generation of PTL design. References J. K. Lee et al., Energy Convers Manag, 226, 113545 (2020)CH. Lee et al., J Power Sources, 446, 227312 (2020)S. De Angelis et al., J Mater Chem A Mater, 9, 22102–22113 (2021)
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