The narrow linewidth nanosecond pulse 1319 nm laser used to generate 589 nm laser is the core technology of sodium Doppler lidar. Here, a high gain fiber-solid hybrid amplifier seeded by a 1319 nm distributed-feedback laser diode (DFB-LD) is proposed to achieve high-power amplification of small signal 1319 nm pulse laser. A pulsed 1319 nm laser with a repetition frequency of 500 Hz, a pulse duration of 500 ns, an energy of 10.3 mJ and a linewidth of 1.9 MHz was developed by utilizing a three-stage fiber coupled end-pumped amplifier and a two-stage Innoslab amplifier, and the beam quality factor M2 is less than 1.6, the gain of the solid amplification system exceeds 28 dB.