The gettering of metallic impurities by nanocavities formed in Si is a topic of both scientific importance and technological significance. Metallic precipitates observed in the regions where nanocavities were formed have been considered the result of the metal filling the nanocavities, either as elemental metal or a silicide phase. However, our transmission electron microscopy observations demonstrate that many of these precipitates are concentrated along dislocations, rather than randomly distributed as expected for precipitates formed by the filling of nanocavities. Consequently, the gettering contribution of dislocations in the lattice caused by nanocavity formation must be considered. For Pd, dislocations are the preferred sites for the precipitation of the metal silicide. We compare results of gettering by nanocavities and dislocations for Pd, Au, and Cu to determine which structure is the dominant influence for the formation of precipitates of these metals and/or their silicides.
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